
Praise and Worship


What is praise and worship?

The meaning of praise – the act of expressing love, admiration, gratitude, thankfulness, to proclaim or describe the glorious attributes of God with homage and thanksgiving, to esteem highly, to honour in song. Praise will then be when we praise God in thanks giving and song.  It is when our hearts is thankful toward God and we want to express it to Him in some way or fashion. We will normally sing from the bottom of our hearts, clap hands and dance. This is not restricted to church and can be done anytime anywhere. (Psalm 147:1; Psalm 98:4)


The meaning of worship – to show profound devotion and respect, to adore, to be devoted to and full of admiration for, prayers, deep love, surrender, bow down in humility.  An act of worship will be when you are in prayer and thanksgiving.  You fully surrender to God’s magnificence and goodness.  You humble yourself to His majesty through prayer, or song. When you bow down, go on your knees or lay prostrate before God. (John 4:23)


How must I praise God?

There have been many debates around this subject.  This subject has caused great division in the Body of Christ. Some praiser’s refuse to interact with praiser’s different than them.  Some dance and clap, some sing hymns and do not clap or dance.  The truth of the matter is that our relationship with God is a heart relationship and not a carnal one. It is all about what is in your heart and your spirit connecting with God’s.  He knows everything about you.  It is all about humility and surrender.


The Bible clearly teaches us on what is acceptable to God. It is God that we praise; let’s look at what His Word teaches us on how we are allowed to praise. (Psalm 47:1-2; Psalm 149:3- 4; Psalm 134:2)


Also note that nowhere is God instructing us that praise must only be limited to church.  You can praise at home, in your car, at family gatherings, when you fellowship with other believers. Praise God whenever you feel like it.  There is nothing that overcomes the enemy like praise and worship in the midst of trouble. (Psalm 100:4; Psalm 95:6)


Why must we praise and worship God?

We don’t praise and worship God because it is a rule, or because we are told or taught to do so.  We praise and worship God for who He is and for what He did for us.  There are no points to be earned for praising God in a certain way. We praise God because that is what we were created to do.

(Psalm 102:18)


Look around you, people praise and worship all the time. Those that don’t know God find something worldly to praise and worship, they do it because that is who and what we are. We were created to praise and worship God. (Isaiah 43:7)


Praise and Worship helps you to overcome difficult circumstances. In times of difficulty it is the most difficult to stay in praise and worship with God.  The reason for this is that we see the natural and lose faith easily when trouble comes.  The Word of God teaches us that we must do it the other way around.  (2 Corinthians 4:18)


Psalm 150:6 let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord!  Praise the Lord!


The Jesus@Work book is designed to answer all possible questions that you might have on the subject.  This book is also pocket size and is specifically designed to get people saved and to serve as a tool that will enable all of us to do the work of the ministry just as Jesus commanded in Mark 16:15-18. Please note that this is only a summary, Praise and Worship is explained in full detail in the book.