Web site designed by: L.Holtshausen
BACKGROUND – A National basic needs Support Organization
It has become evident that the challenges facing communities regarding poverty in the areas of food, clothing, bedding, school necessities, school facilities, day care facilities, real life skill training facilities and more, in our communities are great. Famine is no longer a far off story of a country far away that we see on TV, it is all around us. Major contributors are unemployment and high retrenchment figures in the market place that is adding to the pressures. The pressures of unemployment and low economic growth ultimately go hand in hand with social crimes such as rape, domestic violence and child abuse.
As a child I grew up in such an environment and understand the pressures of poverty, substance abuse, child abuse and domestic violence. My desire for helping and giving even when I did not have myself was burning in my heart from a very young age. God always supernaturally provided for me and protected me. Only if there was someone that would tell me about Jesus then, and how much He cares and Loves me, I would have been equipped even as a child to overcome and carry my family in prayer. The fact of the matter is that God was just always there. I only got saved in 2004 and only know understand how active God was in my life. There was always someone to bring a meal, a mug of soup at school, school stationary as a Christmas gift and thank you Jesus for School clothing banks that supplies school clothes and shoes.
God always brought these gifts through people. He uses people to help those in need. I have tackled food parcel projects, Children’s Christmas trees, and supply of basic needs to the needy around me. These were small scale projects that were made possible through individuals that opened their hearts and pockets and supported this burning desire in my heart.
However, the more I do this the more I realise how big the need is. I have been praying earnestly and asking God to show me how to make a bigger impact. During prayer, I reminded God that His Word proclaims that if I pray in His name, He will give me all the desires of my heart.
God’s answer to my prayers birthed Jesus@Work. The vision of this NPO is a duel one. The one is a teaching ministry that teaches and disciples people in the work place and elsewhere. The next part is to feed, clothe, equip and empower the poor. This is a Christian based institution but we are certainly not limited to helping only the Christian. We will see to the needs of all who is in need as God never deserted me and cared for me deeply long before I ever knew Him. Our motto is to look at all people through the eyes of Jesus.