


What is your perception of God?

There is a belief in people’s minds that God punish us with sickness and death.  I hardly ever go to a funeral where God is not accused of taking the deceased’s life? Sick people walk around saying that it is God’s will for them to be sick or God is testing them through their sickness?


I want to set this record straight, God is NOT out to get you.  He loves you and will never do anything to hurt you.  God so loved us that He gave His life for us.  How does it make sense then to accuse Him of murder and making people sick?  The Word of God makes it very clear who the author for sickness and death is.  John 10:10 the thief’s (SATAN) purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My (JESUS) purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.


When we go through the gospels of Jesus Christ, which is the first four books of the New Testament.  The life of Jesus serves as an example for us today.  It also illustrates His will for our lives.

(Mathew 8:2)

During this time Jesus clearly illustrated what He was about to give His life for. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Romans 8.31 what shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can be against us?  32 since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?

Not even once did Jesus, hurt, harm or punish someone with sickness or death.  All He ever did was forgive, heal, cast out demons and raise people from the dead. He taught the lost His Word, He loved sinners and the poor like no one before Him and had compassion that is difficult for us to comprehend.


It is imperative that you change your image of God.  God is NOT an evil god that just wants to punish or hurt you. Do you punish your child with sickness or death when they do wrong? No? Neither does God! We are His children and He loves us.


God is a good God; He is kind and gentle, full of love and compassion.  He only wants the best for you.  All the scriptures that tell us not to sin are not for His sake but for ours.  God knows the consequence of sin is death and He is our Loving Father that does not want to see his kids get hurt. When you hurt, He hurts, when you cry He cries.


How do I claim healing through Jesus?

Once your perspective of God is correct and you understand that it is His will for your life to be healed, it is easy.  (Isaiah 53:5; Mathew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24)


What happened when you got born again? You believed with your heart and confessed with your mouth right?  You have to do exactly the same thing with healing. (Proverbs 4:20-22)


God created doctors and medicine to help us during our faith growth.  It is ok to go to one.  It is ok to get medicine from the chemist.  Try not to get too dependent on doctors and medicine as this will hinder your faith in this area to grow.  Start practicing your faith with the small things like a headache and grow from there. Remember the best pill is the Gospel.


The Jesus@Work book is designed to answer all possible questions that you might have on the subject.  This book is also pocket size and is specifically designed to get people saved and to serve as a tool that will enable all of us to do the work of the ministry just as Jesus commanded in Mark 16:15-18. Please note that this is only a summary, Healing is explained in full detail in the book.