


Do I have to give money to the church?

This is a question that is always asked.  Because of the lack of knowledge on this subject, uninformed believers stay away from church because of it.  Their general opinion is that the church only want their money, they do not care about the congregation.


I do agree that there are institutions that make themselves guilty of this.  However, it is not healthy to generalise.  There is a lot of good work that is done with the moneys that churches or faith institutions receive.


Your giving should not be limited to such things as the above. It is imperative that you get your foundation of giving right.  You do not have to give your money to anyone.  It is a matter of principle and a matter of the heart.  Let’s explore the principle and see what God’s Word teaches.


Don’t let anyone manipulate you into giving your money to them. Giving is a principle and must come from your heart. Your giving is to God and not to a person.  You give to the place that feeds you spiritually and where the work of God is being done.  

2 Corinthians 9:7 you must each decide in your heart how much to give.  And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure.  “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully”.  8 And God will generously provide all you need.  Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.


When you give you must always give with a good heart.  Give because you want to advance the Kingdom of God.  You give to a person but God receive it in haven.


Giving to the church is to advance the kingdom of God on the earth.  Without the believer’s tithe (10% of income) or offerings (gift over and above the tithe), the church and faith institutions cannot operate.  Every church and faith institution has bills to pay.  After the bills is paid there must be enough left over for the Gospel to be preached, to bring the lost in, to teach and disciple the new born Christians, to feed and clothe the needy, to look after the orphans and widows and much more.  Our purpose of giving to God is so that His Kingdom can be advanced.  The Word of God teaches us to seek the Kingdom of God above all else.  


Is there a benefit to Giving?

Giving is a principle that operates in this world.  In the natural we cannot grasp the fact that you will get when you give.  Yet, even the unbelievers have tapped into this principle.  We see many ungodly people and businesses prosper financially.  When you have a discussion with them about giving and their involvement in community upliftment, you will very quickly see why they are prosperous. They give, give, and give. The Word of God is clear about this principle.  The principle operates for believers and unbelievers alike.  The principle is simple, give and you will receive no matter who or what you are.   Luke 6:38 Give and you will receive.  Your gift will return to you in full – pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap.  The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.


Trust God with your giving, pray for wisdom with your finances and watch God turn your life around.  If you cannot give your full tithe give something.  Start with what you can give, at least sow a seed.  Trust God with you money.


The Jesus@Work book is designed to answer all possible questions that you might have on the subject.  This book is also pocket size and is specifically designed to get people saved and to serve as a tool that will enable all of us to do the work of the ministry just as Jesus commanded in Mark 16:15-18. Please note that this is only a summary, Prayer and Faith is explained in full detail in the book.