
Baptism in the Holy Spirit

What is baptism in the Holy Spirit?

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is simply the next step of your spiritual journey.  When you got born again, God gave you the full package to overcome this world, just like Jesus did.  That includes the power of the Holy Spirit that is there to help, teach and guide us on our earthly journey.  Here is a few: Acts 10:44-46; Acts 2:4; 1 Corinthians 14:4; 1Corintians 14:14-15; Romans 8:26-28; Jude 20; 21 and many more.


It is our direct and intimate communication with God.  We communicate with Him through our spirit to His Spirit, our heart to His heart. (1 Corinthians 14:2)


There are many scriptures in the Word of God that teaches us about the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Always remember that the Word of God is our standard and Jesus Christ our example.  Jesus promised this gift to the early church and commanded them to wait for this gift in Jerusalem as it will give them power. (Acts 1:4-5)


Have you ever watched a war movie or news where troops are dressed in their war outfits?  Well, when you get born again, you get all dressed and ready for war.  You get issued with a machine gun and off you go to war.  You encounter the enemy and are ready to shoot; the problem is you do not know where the trigger of your machine gun is?  Bring that scenario into the spiritual realm and your trigger is the gift of praying in tongues.

If you don’t know where the trigger is, the enemy captures you and puts you through some serious torture, like putting you in a dungeon without food and water. Then physically beat you up; put you through some mental torture and so on.


In your daily life this can be related to poverty; sickness and disease; self condemnation; convincing yourself that you are not good enough for God.   You can even relate it to things like your car breaking down, your money getting stolen, the fridge packing up etc.


Is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for me?

Joel 2:28 Then after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy.  Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.  29 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants – men and woman alike.

This scripture teaches us that it is for every born again believer.  In Bible times men and maid servants did not have any value as human beings.  They were seen as a possession rather than a person.  In this scripture we can clearly see that it doesn’t matter to God what the colour of our skin is, whether we are rich or poor, slave or free, Jew or gentile.  He equally loves us and the gift of the Holy Spirit is for every born again believer.


As long as believers are ignorant of this gift, the enemy will keep them in bondage with the things of this world. Refuse to be deceived any longer, get educated and baptised in the Holy Spirit and pray your way to victory and deliverance.


The Jesus@Work book is designed to answer all possible questions that you might have on the subject.  This book is also pocket size and is specifically designed to get people saved and to serve as a tool that will enable all of us to do the work of the ministry just as Jesus commanded in Mark 16:15-18. Please note that this is only a summary, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is explained in full detail in the book.