What does it mean to be born again, or to get saved?
Ever felt that you are searching for something but are not sure what? Ever felt empty? No matter what you do, or how much fun you have or how popular you are, the minute you are alone the feeling is back? Ever experienced depression but cannot understand why, or miss someone that you don’t know? The reason why you feel this way is because there is an emptiness inside of you that can only be filled by Jesus Christ. Ever felt lost and overwhelmed by the things of this world? It is normally at a point like this that we realise we need someone to save us. When we reach this point and someone share the gospel of Jesus Christ with you and you believe that Jesus is the Son of God that died on the Cross for your sin and shame. He rose from the dead and is coming back again. When you confess this and surrender your life to Jesus you become born again.
What part of me gets born again?
Well you are created in the image of God. That means that you are a trinity just like God is a trinity. The human trinity consist of Spirit, Soul and Body. (Gen 1:27)
No, your soul and your spirit is not the same thing. Let me explain:
Your Body is the part that you see in the mirror, the part that you can feel, see, and touch, the part that can feel pain or pleasure. Your Soul is your intellect, your emotions and thoughts. Your Spirit is the real you, the part that communicates with God, the part that never seizes to exist.
Your Spirit is also the part that gets born again or saved. If you really think about it, your body is merely your earth suit and your soul is the connection between your body and spirit. For example, if you feed your soul with evil so will your body and spirit follows. If you feed your soul with the goodness and the Word of God so will your body and Spirit follows. (Rom 12:2)
When do we get born again?
Every Human being gets to a point in their life where they realise that they need
a saviour, they know that they need God in their life. The good news is that at
any point you can make the decision to give your life to Jesus (John 3:3-
Make a decision today for Jesus. Make the decision with your heart. Here is an example of a prayer you can pray: O Lord Jesus I know that I am a sinner that needs a saviour. I have done so many things that I am ashamed of. Some of these things prevented me so many times to come to you, because I was not sure that you will forgive me. Your Word teaches that there is no sin too big for you. You took care of every possible one. That means all my sins are included.
I believe with all my heart that you are the Son of God who died on the cross and rose again. I believe that your blood is washing me clean right now. I surrender my life to you and ask you Jesus to live in my heart forever. I give you full ownership of my life. Please teach me how to live according to your word. Amen
The Jesus@Work book is designed to answer all possible questions that you might have
on the subject. This book is also pocket size and is specifically designed to get
people saved and to serve as a tool that will enable all of us to do the work of
the ministry just as Jesus commanded in Mark 16:15-